The educational app is designed to provide a virtual learning experience. A personalized learning environment can be made possible with the help of the educational app. The main aim of education is to improve knowledge, skills, and perception of the world we live in.

Education methods have gone through a roller coaster change from the period of gurukuls till Edu comp classes. The COVID breakthrough opened the student’s classrooms at their homes with the help of online learning techniques and applications.

The online classrooms made an effective impact, reflecting parents and students to look for online methods and materials. Let’s explore the virtual world of education in this blog.

Educaation App Revenue Stream

Driven forces behind educational apps

Parents and students want to prove themselves more capable in the competitive world of education. Individuality needs something more than regular learning from schools. The quest made them search for online materials. The textbook material at schools felt too little to compete in entrance exams and show their uniqueness.

Videos demonstrating concepts attracted the visual brain process and felt more engaging than the heavy textbooks at school. Computerization of the environment around the students posed a curiosity at a young age. They preferred going to school and looking up for things at depth using the educational application.

Online classes during COVID-19 times facilitated them to be user-friendly with many educational software. Reshaping educational methods streamlined the data from various sources to be available with ease.

Importance of Educational Apps

This educational app provides more effective learning solutions and knowledge. Some highlights of using the educational app are

  • Improved access

If your digital device has an internet connection, irrespective of the location and time we can access the application. The portability of devices makes them easy to carry rather than heavy school bags. Data from various sources can be accessed with convenience.

  • Source of Education

e-learning evolved as an alternative to traditional methods but now it has become a necessity for learners. Learning from books and boards shifted to videos, images, sounds, and animations. Learning is fun was practically possible.

  • Interactive learning

Materials are available both offline and online. Slots are provided for learners to interact and ask doubts regarding the materials. Online experts handle them personally and patiently clarify all their queries with perfect explanations. Distractions can be avoided.

  • Systematic

Students need not feel overwhelmed by the large volume of books, rather they are introduced to topics that matter the most. A transparent learning methodology where students are regularly updated about their performance is available using the application.

  • Cost-effective

The big burden to parents these days is the figures in the school fees. The tuition fees add to the weightage.

  • Availability

The online application is available with efficient and elaborate teaching materials which widens the thought process of students.

  • Increased engagement

Learning apps help teachers to provide assignments and questionnaires to students. They are given repetitive tasks in key areas covering all subjects to enhance the learning process.

  • Flexible environment

Schools adhere to strict timings, but apps are available round the clock. Unlike schools, if a student is absent or has missed a topic she has to learn by herself or get help from others. Educational apps provide complete flexibility with no strict schedules.

  • Adaptive Technology

Every student has their own pace of reading, writing, learning, and understanding lessons. The educational app ensures that each student has work efficiency and performance improvement.

  • Progress tracking

Teachers can keep track of student’s performance and provide feedback regularly. The information helps the students to work more effectively toward their goals.

  • Latest knowledge

The application does not stick to the same learning material and techniques, it updates itself regularly to help students find the app interesting.

Related: School Management App Development Company

Features of Educational app

  • Strong Database

The application stores inconsiderably large amounts of data. It stores information about each subject and preference of material requested by the learners. Periodic updating also requires that the database be strong.

  • Live sessions

The application provides a perfect learning environment for communication between students and teachers. It provides a video call platform to interact on a private basis. This improves attention and avoids distraction in students.

  • Interactive content

Animated lessons, videos, and picture content are the top features to engage learners and enhance their learning ability. Simulations attract students to understand the concepts well. A quiz is conducted to test the perception level of students.

  • Sharing data

The app allows teachers to share documents or study materials after a session or during a session. Videos or images related to study topics can be shared. This enhances the collaboration between teacher and student.

  • Evaluation

The main feature appreciated by parents of course is the process of the teacher evaluating the student. Regular practice tests and quiz is carried out to monitor the progress of the student. The results are conveyed to students and the teacher can proceed to the next step based on their performance.

  • Language support

The main bridge between the student and teacher is the language they communicate. Teachers make sure the student understands the accent of the language. The app provides support in various languages.

  • Notifications

This feature keeps the parent, teacher, and student updated about the changes in the dashboard. Parents are given notification about topics covered, and student performance. Changes in the topic, completion of the task, and mock test are notified to students. The teacher is notified about the updates in the course or class.

  • Live tutorials

This session allows students to discuss lecture content, and assignments and clarify doubts with queries to the concerned teacher. Live tutorials are conducted regularly apart from live learning sessions.

  • Chat feature

When the session is in progress, the chat feature helps the student type in their query to get the teacher’s response without interrupting the class. Teachers can share images or videos through the chat feature.

  • Managing Attendance

This mandatory feature allows the teacher to see the student’s class attendance as a single task rather than manually managing it. The app provides information about the time spent on each session.

  • Offline Access

Educational apps provide offline access and the flexibility to download learning content without an internet connection. This allows students to revisit lessons and review concepts at their convenience.

  • Privacy and security

These two features are the essential pillars of any application. The sense of personal data being secured privately gives trust among teachers, students, and parents.

  • Feedback

An important step to improvement is to have detailed periodic feedback from parents, teachers, and students. This helps eradicate and change the inconveniences and further improve.

Developing Educational apps

There are a few steps to be processed before building an online educational app.

  • Target audience

The customers of educational apps are mainly students so there should be a clear-cut insight about their requirements and goals. Their learning needs and priorities should be considered.

  • Defining objectives

The application must define its goal initially. A clear understanding of user requirements, and eradicating errors in existing apps help to define ways and make it possible to achieve defined plans.

  • Choosing technology

The app must support customers across various platforms with different needs. The process involves using videos, animations, and network access. Refining boundaries and technologies can deliver success to the application.

  • Design

The audience belongs to the current technology period so the design must involve multimedia content and interactive activities.

  • Personalization

Providing a comfortable personal space is the main priority of the app. It should focus on learning techniques, and recommendations and track progress.

  • Test and iterate

In the final stage of development, testing eradicates errors. Testing under different environments and updates gives a valid result.

How to make money with an educational application

Demands are increasing daily to enroll in educational apps. Market demand must be calculated with precision to earn money. A few techniques are listed below.

  1. Advertisements

The best way to get things known to people is by advertising. Popup ads can be the best way to capture attention. They should not be too flashy, but the content must appease the viewer. Crisp and clean content are always liked by customers. Ads help to increase the popularity of the app and turn out to be the major source to boost the revenue of the app.

  1. Freemium

This technique allows users to use the app for free initially and if they like it, they can pay and use it. This works similarly to playing games with the trial version and proceeding across each level by paying and unlocking new features. Apps allow users to learn basic concepts for free, but to learn more advanced concepts they are charged.

  1. Subscription Services

The user is charged a subscription fee to use the app on a monthly or annual basis. The benefits to subscribed users include free access to video content, lecture videos, and download materials. The subscription plan can be chosen by the user based on their convenience and requirements.

  1. Paid sections

The paid section technique is the most preferred approach since the user can access the basic application fully for free and pay for the specific required content for a preferred period. The paid section alone is available to the user in detail.

  1. Paid updates

The paid update is to unlock the new enhanced features with added functionalities of the app. This enhances the working environment. Users can operate on the basic version if they don’t want updates.

  1. Shopping in the app

The shopping here refers to extra curriculum services the app provides in addition to the school subjects. If a student wants to learn a new language they may purchase and avail the benefits of learning something new within the already existing app.

  1. White labelling

If an educational app has earned trust and many users it can boost its revenue by selling its label or name to other business users. This is like working in a partnership environment. People trust brands and labels more so this strategy may earn profits by just using well-established labels.

  1. Referral program

Words travel faster than wind, so the good words after using the application can broaden the customer count. This allows educators to promote the app with ease without spending any budget. Referral program’s revenue depends on the response from learners,

  1. Data Monetization

Educational apps record all personal data of each student enrolled. Their academic deals and plans are all recorded initially. The app can earn money by selling user’s data to useful private users like researchers and educational centers. The app ensures transparency and privacy of data.

  1. Partnership

This is a big move made by educational apps. Here they link themselves with reputed schools and organizations and allow the app to be used as a part of the curriculum. This increases the audience base and if they want extended features they come looking for the original educational app.

How to effectively implement Monetization Strategies in Apps

The above solid techniques discussed get to full use only when put into action. The ways to focus on them also need attention.

  • Pick the correct tools.

The application charges vary for different users based on their requirements and requested services like subscriptions, and in-app purchases. The app should choose trustable payment gateways which help the process to run without hindrance.

  • Security

The application should use advanced security options since its database contents are private. The educational content, videos, user personal data, and transaction details must all be safeguarded wisely.

  • Test all stages

Before implementing any monetization techniques, the application should do proper testing in all environments and ensure there are no surprises when implemented.

  • Smooth Integration

The app has to ensure that the payment system is perfectly integrated into the app. The payment procedures must not hinder the learning process of students. The payment options should be flexible for all users.

By passing the above said list the monetization techniques will work effectively earning revenue to the app.

Strategies for successful educational app monetization

  • Evaluate resources
  • Identify techniques to maximize revenue
  • Remember that customer satisfaction is the priority
  • Monitor customers
  • Keep an eye on reviews and feedback
  • Improve continuously as it is never-ending

Cost for Educational App Development

A basic application with basic features is about $10000 to $50000. Educational apps require using multimedia content, interactive data, tutorials, and online quizzes. This imposes more work on the planning, designing, development, and testing team which adds up to the initial basic model. The customer updates, test reviews, feed feedback also contribute to the cost value. This increases the cost to $40000 to $500000.


We Smarther have successfully delivered many online applications with many satisfied customers. The success of the concern is by the hardworking developers and software professionals. The dedicated team strives continuously and works to any length to deliver successful products. Customers from many countries are using the application built by SMARTHER.

The motto of SMARTHER is thriving through hurdles and reaching heights. We embrace emerging trends and technologies and shape the application for all types of users. They are committed to designing user-friendly apps. Reach us and leave all your app development thoughts with us . Success awaits you.

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