Best Content Management System

The CMS allows the users to create, edit digital content such as text, embedded audio and video files for websites.

To qualify for inclusion in the Web Content Management, a product must:

  • Provide web-based editing and publishing capabilities for text, image, audio, and video files
  • Offer templates for content creation
  • Allow collaboration and approval for content creation

The most popular CMS is wordpress, TYPO3, joomla!, Drupal and contao are currently the most popular standard solutions for professional website operation.



With around 18 million installations , wordpress is the most used content management system in worldwide. Wordpress is good for small and simply structured websites because of its low effort basic installation.

It has some default theme and plugins to customize the webpage , added to that user can add some custom themes and plugins to design their own webpage.

  • Webserver: Every server with PHP and MySQL/MariaDB support (recommended: Apache)
  • Middleware: PHP 7 or higher
  • Database: MySQL 5.6 or higher / MariaDB 10.0 or higher
  • Hardware: The developer recommends a PHP memory limit of 32 MB or more
  • Other recommendations: HTTPS support / For search engine friendly URLs, the Apache module mod_rewrite is required



With 2.5 million installations worldwide, joomla! Becomes the second biggest agent in the CMS market. Unlike wordpress , Comprehensive CMS functionalities are included without installing extensions.Joomla! Is developed by open source CMS Mambo.

It divides extensions into plugins, components and modules. Joomla can be used in the front-end as well as back-end by the users.

  • Webserver: Apache HTTP Server 2.0 (2.4 recommended) with mod_mysql, mod_xml, and mod_zlib; Nginx 1.8 or higher; MS IIS 7
  • Middleware: PHP 5.6 (7.0 or higher recommended)
  • Database: MySQl 5.1 with InnoDB support (5.5.3 or higher recommended); MS SQL server 10.50.1600.1 (10.50.1600.1 or higher recommended); PostgreSQL 8.3.18 (9.1 or higher recommended), MariaDB 5.1 (or higher)



The modular CMS Drupal was originally developed as a student community solution, but is now available as a full-fledged open source CMS. The software comes with simple basic installation, which can be extended quite a bit by modules. Today, the project’s strength lies in its community. Already, the basic module has numerous web 2.0 and community functions like weblogs, forums, and tag clouds

  • Webserver: Apache, Nginx, MS IIS, or any other webserver with PHP support
  • Middleware: PHP 5.5.9 or higher
  • Database: MySQL 5.5.3, MariaDB 5.5.20, Percona server 5.5.8 or higher (PDO requires an InnoDB-compatible storage engine); PostgreSQL 9.1.2 or higher (with PDO); SQLite 3.7.11 or higher


TYPO3 is the most cancerous CMS in the world. It can be extended by new functions without writing any program code. Also, the software is available in more than 50 languages and has a built-in localization system, therefore supports publishing content in multiple languages. Due to its features, scalability and maturity, TYPO3 is used to build and manage websites of different types and size ranges, from small sites for individuals or nonprofit organizations to multilingual enterprise solutions for large corporations.

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