Getting visitors to business website is quite difficult for an owner now-a-days. And keeping your customers/Visitor on a web page for a long time is so tough. User engagement is the key factor in order to convert your visitors to lead in business. Creating an appealing landing page help to keep customers engage in website to stay long in same page.
If a visitor keep jumping from the site in no time, then bounce rate of website will rise. In order to keep your visitors to stay in website for prolonged period, we need to consider some key optimization factors in design and development. Here are some of the key points to fully optimize your website.
#1 Easy Navigation
Before design the page, we always need remember in mind about functionality of website. The site should design with easy navigation to make understand your visitor about the whole idea. If user find any difficulty with navigation, then they will quit from page in no time. Keep in mind, to make simple navigation options.
#2 Appealing Design
Design factor is important to consider while optimizing the web page. As per some survey, The design should be simple and engaging in order to convert your visitor as business lead. So Aesthetic design and appealing color keeps high user engagement. Keep in mind, to create an appealing design.
Related: 8 things to consider While designing Your Website
#3 Loading Speed
Speed factor plays major role in user engagement consideration. A fully optimized web page will load in lesser than 10 sec, which make user to access easily. In order to make the site load faster, CSS, Java script and other coding to optimized. Usage of images would be limited and lesser weight.
#4 Pop Up
Avoid excessive pop ups will keep your visors to stay long in page. For promoting products and services, most of the websites includes various pop-up promotion banners, which result as visitors to escape from the site. So promotion banner, Subscription pop-up should limited for better user engagement.
#5 Site Content
Make your site text easy to read. The content should be written in simple words in order to keep your visiors to stay prolonged period. Including some odd words will make user to understand the meaning of sentences. That will affect continuity of content. So always keep in mind to create simple content description.
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