Employee Tracking is the process of monitoring employee’s productivity in an organization. After the pandemic, many organizations transformed their work culture to a remote working model. As most employees work remotely, the employer faces many struggles in tracking the performance of employees and the business. The Employee Tracking Software is the best solution for the managers who monitor the employees’ performance and the organization’s growth.
Top 13 Features of Employee Tracking Software
Benefits: Using employee tracking software the employer can get benefits such as,
- Employee performance metric evaluation becomes more simple and accurate.
- Precise working hours calculation.
- Enriches the Employee – Employer relationship by focusing on the perfect performance metrics.
- Consistency in progressive approach.
- Accurate feedback is possible by implementing employee tracking software.
- Improved planning in upcoming projects.
- The growth of the organization is consistent, hence, building the reputation of the organization.
- Improved individual productivity as well as the overall efficiency of the organization.
- Improved and automated payroll processing for every employee.
- Optimized employee time management.
- Enhanced resource allocation.
- Improved project cost estimation at the time of the proposal.
- Seamless working environment for remotely connected environments.
Many features ensure the success of the employee tracking features. Among those features, let us discuss some 10 most important features here.
- Attractive and effortless User Interface:
The User Interface design plays the most important role in every software application. This is due to the enhancement of the customer experience. The more simple user interface reaches more audiences. The user can easily understand the navigation of the software application when the application is more simple. No training or any other support is needed for the user to use the application. Such an application will reach more customers than high-level UI/UX-designed applications. More simple user interface can make the process quick and easy. The user can easily find the navigation of the function they want to complete. A precise interface can lead to minimal mental efforts to operate the application. A simple user interface improves customer satisfaction.
- Attendance Tracking:
Automated attendance using this attendance tracking feature, the presence of the employee will be tracked automatically. As the tracking has been automated, the payroll process becomes more precise. Compliance with labor laws is also managed in this feature.
- Time Tracking:
We develop time tracking as one of the features of our employee tracking software. With this time tracking, the employee’s data such as working hours, off hours, log-in and logout time, and overtime everything has been calculated. Using this data the management can view the performance metrics of the employees accurately. Deviation of time in working hours will be recorded and intimated as notification to the employee for further regulating themselves into the track.
- Geofencing:
In our Employee tracking software, we provide geofencing as a customizable option. Geofencing is the virtual edge of an employee. If the employee leaves beyond the area, their device will be connected to the GPS, wi-fi, or mobile data to track the location. By using this feature the employer can monitor the employee’s activities. With advanced tools and APIs, we have implemented this feature for better usage of the employee tracking software.
- Activity Logs:
Activity logs are the feature by which we provide a space to refer to the websites and other software of the employee’s usage during working hours. By this feature, we ensure the focus of the employee only on the work rather than surfing on the internet for stuff not related to the work.
- Cloud-based access:
Our employee tracking software also supports cloud-based access to allow the team members to connect remotely. As the remote working culture has been growing day by day, this feature is more demanding for the tracking software. Without this feature, remote working is far more difficult and almost impossible. By adding this feature to the employee tracking software, we make it more reliable to use.
7 GPS Integration for Location Tracking:
The next feature in the employee tracking software is the GPS integration for the geographical location tracking of the employee. Their geographical location will be tracked using the IP address of the system they are using and more specifically tracked using the software they are working with. This feature assures the employee’s designated location tracking and eradicates illegal travel or roaming during working time.
- Project status tracking:
Our project status tracking feature allows employers or top management to analyze the tasks assigned and completed by the employees. Using this feature the project status can be tracked or monitored by the employers easily. This feature also allows prioritization of work among the teammates. Automated status tracking brings clear ideas about the availability of time for the resources. Hence all the resources can be utilised optimally.
- Automated Data analysis:
We offer automated data analysis which is the most important feature of the Employee tracking software. This feature implements algorithms to analyze the employee’s performance using the data extracted from the time and attendance tracking. The automated data analysis reduces the time to prepare the analysis about the employee’s performance. It not only provides systematic data analysis but also produces accurate pictures of the results. This automated data analysis is hugely helpful for the predictive analysis of the data collected. Customer action analysis and risk analysis can be done easily. This analysis highly helps in cost reduction involved in correction made for human mistakes. Also reduces time by eradicating repetitive work for the mistaken work.
10 Screen capturing:
Our Screen capturing is the process that captures the employee’s working screen. This data will often be monitored by the managers and top management officials. The name screen capturing might look unethical to the work environment, but it elevates transparency between the employer and employee. Employees who work sincerely need not worry about any action taken to monitor them. This screen-capturing feature rewards the employees who work genuinely. Using this feature increases accountability.
- Report generation:
Report generation is the process of calculating the report using the data collected from the employee tracking software. The time taken to complete the task and the project status everything will be collected and analyzed to generate a report. These data-driven reports generate more accurate reports than the human report calculation. This saves time to analyze the data collected. Various kinds of report generation such as charts, and graphs are also possible here. Some report generation tools such as Power BI and Tableau are all integrated with the employee tracking software for better performance. We implement these tools as a customizable option.
- Payroll Integration:
We integrate payroll integration for the payment processing operations. The Employee’s attendance, overtime, leaves, Target achieved, and other data are processed and automatically the payment for the employee will be calculated. Using this feature, we ensure more accurate payroll processing operations. By providing this feature we ensure more precise HR operations which improves the employer’s trust and loyalty among the employees.
- Notification and Alerts:
We provide this notification and alerts to facilitate the automated communication channel between the employee and the employer. To enrich the bond between the employee and the employer, we have designed this feature to send notifications and alerts for both personal and official purposes. The official notification includes the deadline date for any review or project, client meeting, and so on, whereas, the personal notification includes any birthday wishes, achievement applauses, and so on. Our employee tracking software provides a channel to coordinate and keep the employee on track by sending notifications and alerts regarding the project.
- Data Security:
Data security is one of the most crucial factors to be kept in mind while developing any mobile application. As the purpose of the employee tracking software is to collect employee data, the information collected should be recorded or saved securely. To achieve high security, we have many strategies such as encryption, 2-factor authentication such as login using code access, limiting access control to the role and designation, and so on. This feature assures trust in the software among the employee as well as the employer.
- Offline mode connection:
Offline mode connection is the last but not the least feature, by which we ensure a connection with the employee’s device. The device will be synced when it is connected online. All the data during the offline mode would be restored when it is connected online.
In this blog, we have discussed 15 features that make our employee tracking software unique and easily accessible. We provide a simple user interface for the better use of the application by a larger audience. We also developed our Employee Tracking software with features such as in-app messaging and notification which enables communication channels open to the users. Using our tracking software, the employer can make a screen recording of the employee’s screen if needed for any clarification. Automated report generation is possible with the employee tracking software which is helpful in the performance metrics of the employees. Once the performance evaluation becomes automated, more precise payroll processing is possible. Our Employee tracking software also has GPS integration for the location tracking of the employee. This feature denies the employee from deviation of work in the working hours. More importantly, all the data collected and stored will be managed in a cloud setup which is highly helpful for the employees connected in remote mode. Our software also syncs with the offline mode connectivity and the geofencing facility. Using our employee tracking software, the employee’s activity logs will be recorded to make the tracking more effective.