We all know that in this modern era we are moving towards new technologies like online money transfer, online bill payments, online chats, and also online education. Now I am going to share with you one thing, it is about online education. We now know that our education system is moving towards e-classes which are online classes but is it good to take lessons online? Sometimes this method of education brings more harm than good. In this blog, we will look at the disadvantages of the online education system.
Disadvantages of online educations :
We have already explored the many benefits of e-learning in our previous blogs.now its time to explore the disadvantages of online learning. There are some major drawbacks to online learning, and these issues are often pushed aside in many discussions.
Looking at the education industry as a whole, the e-learning sector shows massive growth in 2020. However, academics around the world are still recognizing some of the key issues affecting the education industry.Let’s explore these issues in more detail.
It requires more time than an on-campus environment:
Students spend more time studying and completing tasks online than in school and college. How can that be? Online context is text-based. To communicate with your mentor and other students, you must type messages, record responses, or communicate using your fingers. As you can guess, typing is slower than speaking. In the same sense, reading your discourse material can take longer than listening to a lecturer, although speaking lectures have a unique drawback. If you sit in a classroom, no matter how focused you are, you will lose a good percentage of what the lecturer says. Going out for a short time is human nature. As you read, you will tend to withdraw notes if you miss something, which will take longer. The point is, students will learn more on an online platform, but they have to put more effort to accomplish the learning.
It causes social isolations :
The online learning system currently in practice in education will engage students in thinking, distance, and communication.As a result, students and teachers who spend most of their time online studying may begin to experience signs of isolation due to a lack of human contact. Lack of contact with social isolation often leads to many mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts.
Lack of students feedback:
In traditional classrooms, teachers can immediately comment directly to students. Students who have doubts in subjects can resolve them quickly and directly during lecture or free hours. Personalized feedback has a positive impact on the minds of students because it makes the learning process richer and easier.
On the other hand, online learning still struggles with student feedback. Most of the students who complete routine assessments are dissatisfied when they experience a lack of personal feedback. Traditional methods of providing student feedback do not always work in an e-learning environment, and as a result, online education providers are forced to look at alternative methods of providing feedback. Providing student feedback in an online setting is still a relatively unsearchable topic area, and it may take some time for specific strategies to become fully research-based and proven effective.
Lack of communication and skill development:
Online learning methods are very effective in improving students’ academic knowledge. However, developing students’ communication skills is an area that is often overlooked during online lessons. It can be seen that students are not able to work effectively in the group system due to a lack of direct communication between peers, students, and teachers in the online system. Ignoring students ’communication skills inevitably excel in theoretical knowledge for many graduates, but they fail to pass on their knowledge to others.
Prevention of cheating during exams is complex:
Unfortunately, one of the biggest drawbacks of online learning is constantly cheating through various methods. Compared to students on campus, online students can easily cheat ratings when taking assessments in their environment and on their personal computers. Without video testing, it is not possible to see students directly during assessments, and cheating detection during online assessments is much more complicated than traditional exam procedures. In addition, without a proper identity verification system, students taking online assessments may be allowed to have a third-party assessment on their own, resulting in a completely fraudulent test result.
mentors focus on theory rather than practicing:
Although this shortcoming of online learning has been addressed by some innovative online learning sites, the problem has not yet completely disappeared. The problem is that the vast majority of online learning platform mentors choose to focus more on developing theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills. The reason for this is clear – theoretical lectures are considerably easier to implement in an online learning environment than practical lectures. After all, direct study and direct use of on-campus classrooms without the use of a workshop requires considerable pre-planning rather than theoretical training to implement practical plans.
Lack of face to face communication:
Lack of face-to-face interactions is one of the main disadvantages in online learning. Lack of any direct contact with the mentors can block students’ opinions, cause social isolation, and make students feel stressed. Nowadays, depression is affecting a lot of students. The constant oscillation of mentors may be unpleasant for many, but it is a great way to improve student retention.
Lack of disciplines:
Not all academic disciplines are created equal. For now, at least. Online learning is more relevant to the social sciences and humanities than scientific fields such as medical sciences and engineering that require a specific practical experience. Medical students can do nothing but autopsy or online lectures instead of real-life vocational training for a budding engineer. Although this may change in the future, we can currently teach all professions only through fully online learning.
It is difficult for people who do not have computer literacy:
96% of Indians own mobile devices and 63% of Indians own a personal computer. Therefore, it is easy to argue that online education is easily accessible to most people. However, these figures do not show the full details. Despite the growing development in technical skills, computer literacy rates are still not accurate. The OECD average percentage of people with computer illiteracy is 25%, which means that a quarter of the population will have great difficulty accessing online learning as an educational system. Moreover, these are the OECD countries we are talking about, which are considered developed countries with high-income economies. But Online education does not reach all citizens. Therefore, we mustn’t see online education as an alternative to traditional education.
Lack of recognition and quality assurance in online education:
If online learning is to be considered as effective and real as traditional learning, it must ensure that all online schools are qualified and accredited.Unfortunately, in the current era, there are still plenty of unrecognized online learning sites, and none other than mentors who check the quality of learning.Therefore, poor quality assurance and accreditation undermine the legitimacy of online education.