Android Nougat vs iOS 10

iOS 10 and Android Nougat (7.0) may not be out yet, but rather because of the way both Apple and Google lead their OS improvement both have been discharged as beta forms for quite some time now that there is a lot of authority data and points of interest out in the ether, picked and inventoried from the beta projects by crowds of excited designers.

Here are some of the top features comparison of Android Nougat and iOS 10:

UI and notifications

While any reasonable person would agree that iOS and Android have been moving towards rocket ground similarly as an outline tasteful goes, both iOS 10 and Android Nougat sees them taking somewhat distinctive ways to deal with accomplish the same configuration feel as the other. For begins with Android Nougat, warnings have now been upgraded.

Deleting stock apps

Both iOS 10 and Android Nougat permits you to now erase some stock applications. “Erase” is a touch of misdirecting, in light of the fact that you are quite concealing the applications, not really expelling them from your gadget. What’s more, both iOS 10 and Android Nougat doesn’t permit you to shroud all the stock applications—simply a few, those that Apple and Android’s handset makers permit you to.

Photo app

In iOS 10 the Photos application got a noteworthy change. It now utilizes machine figuring out how to distinguish individuals, places, and protests inside your photos and permits you to sort and inquiry photographs by those parameters. For instance, Photos now knows which of your photos have water in them. As should be obvious, now the Photos applications on both Android and iOS are tied element for-highlight.

Music app

Apple’s new Music application in iOS 10 has gotten a HUGE makeover. It’s presently got a more streamlined, simpler to explore interface. This is basically so more individuals will try its Apple Music gushing administration out. In any case, the music application on Android, called Play Music, is still better.


Though not really a feature, it’s worth noting that Android seems to get more updates pushed to it faster, than iOS does. This has been true for a while now since Android has been untethered for longer from its stock apps than iOS has been. It’ll be interesting to see if updates to iOS 10 speed up now that you can delete/hide stock apps from the OS.

Personal assistants

Perhaps the biggest feature in iOS 10 is Siri is massively improved. Not only is the personal assistant getting improved features, it’s now being opened up to third-party developers so they can link into Siri—making her usefulness grow exponentially. But with iOS 10 it’s possible Siri could overtake Now as the best personal assistant out there yet.

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