Project Management Tool is a software application that is highly useful for keeping track of the status of an ongoing or developing project. Using this tool, the entire software development team can plan the modules, and organize the tasks for the reference of all team members. These project management tools help a team to do progressive growth in the project. Using such project management tools allows professionals to do the project seamlessly without any hurdles, allocate resources, and keep track of the projects’ reviews on the deadline date. In simple words,

Organizations might have more than one project at a time and using this project management tool, the project managers and other officials can monitor the development of the project direction. If any deviation occurs, the entire team can identify the error and rectify it then and there.

Project management Tool ()

The main features of project management tools are,

  • Task Management,
  • Resource Management,
  • Data analytics,
  • Data sharing,
  • Collaboration,
  • Report generation.

Our Project Management Tool – An Overview:

Login as Admin:

We can log in as administrators using the admin login credentials. On logging in the page will redirect you to the dashboard. In the dashboard, there will be 4 sections: Projects, Modules, Tasks, and Defects. Here,

Under Projects the details about the signed or undergoing projects details will be displayed. It is interlinked with the Modules section, which has information about various modules divided under each project. The next section is the tasks which displays the list of all the tasks to be done under each module. This task has 2 links module and project, that indicate, under which module the task is coming. All the possible defects for the modules will be displayed.

Below the 4 sections, there are Active member and Inactive member’s details.

  • The active members table shows the details about members who logged in to the application.
  • The inactive members table shows the details of members who are not logged in today.

On the left menu, Below the Dashboard, there will be a Manage Employee option. By clicking on this option, the admin can view the employee details. For new employees, the admin can add the employee profile by clicking on the “+” button at the top right side of the page. There the employee details such as Employee Name, Employee ID, and User type which has designations such as developer, tester, Project Manager, Admin, HR so on will be available as options, Date of joining, Official mailId, mobile number, Job title have to be filled. The Job title reflects the options for the option selected in User Type. For Example, if the admin chooses the developer option, the job title will have options such as Android developer, iOS developer, and backend developer. After feeding all the details in the required column, click on the Create button to create the employee profile. This profile will be displayed in the employee details table.

In the Employee Details table, there will be an edit and view option by which the employee detail modification can be done. The status of the employee can also be changed here. By the view option, the employee details can be viewed. Here, the employee’s identity cards such as the Aadhar card and PAN card can be uploaded.

Beside the Employee Details, there will be an icon that enables you to update the profile settings. Once the employee profile has been activated the employee can do the operations such as,

  • Attendance,
  • Submitting work reports in required intervals such as hourly or daily,
  • Submitting leave approval,
  • Leave details view,
  • Project details view

This can be done in our project management tool. Till then, we have seen some of the operations as admin. Now we are going to discuss various operations involved in developer login.

Work Report:

Work report is the tab where the work reports updated by the employees are displayed. Clicking this work report tab will show options such as a day-wise report, month-wise report, Project summary, and Project detail report. By clicking each the corresponding day-wise or month-wise report for each employee will be displayed with the details such as the name, time when started and when closed session Time, and the report. On the employee report page, we provide the advanced search option for the employee name and the date to make the report more specific on a particular date. In the report option, the admin can view the entire work report of the employee along with the total number of hours for every project. Admin and Project manager both can access this page to review the performance of the employee.

Month Wise Report:

Like the day-wise report, the month-wise report also provides details about the work report of the employee for every month. This report has been generated from the work report updated by the employee every hour and it will show the performance of the employee for the month.

Project Summary:

The project summary is the tab that shows the number of projects running in the organization along with the details of the technical and technician specifications. The total no.of hours for the project is also displayed.

Leave Reports:

Leave reports provide the details of the employee’s attendance day and month. Next to the Leave report, is the Leave details report. In this report, all the details about the leave for the employee will be displayed in detail. The leave report shows only the employee’s name and the number of leaves taken. However, the leave detail report shows the employee’s leave details along with the date, time, and reason.

Manage Leave:

Manage Leave is the option where the applied leaves are shown as pending. The project manager can approve or deny the leave request. The changed status will be sent to the employee as a notification. The Project manager also accesses the request leave page on behalf of the employee if approved using the Apply for Employee option.


In the announcements option, the notifications and upcoming holiday announcements will be declared. The declared announcement will be displayed in the employee dashboard.

Meeting Links can be sent to the employees by the meeting tab. In the employee details, this will be added. All the meeting links will be displayed automatically on the employee dashboard.

Login as Developer:

Once a developer logs in, the developer name will be displayed on the left top corner of the page. Below the name, the designation of the employee who logged in will be displayed.

Attendance: By clicking on the attendance tab, the employee will get to the attendance page where the developer can log in by pressing the “Start your session” option. The start session option will be displayed along with the current time. By logging in the time started will be recorded as attendance.

Project Timesheet:

Project Timesheet has the details about the work done till the time of updation on the same day. In this project timesheet table, the details such as the project, start time, end time and description will be there.

The project section lists the projects assigned to the employee. Among the list, the employee has to select the project that she/he is doing now.

In the Start column, the employee has to feed the starting time when the developer started working on the particular project on the day.

In the End column, as the name indicates the developer has to feed the time when the development process is completed on the day for the same project.

Description is the column that provides space to type the task completed in the time mentioned.

The data entered by the developer will be saved in the database and displayed under a particular date.

The Project time sheet can be updated hour by hour.

My Reports:

The next thing we are going to see is the My Reports. On selecting my reports option, you can get two more options such as Work Report and Project Summary.

Where Work Report displays the month-wise report of the developer who logged in. All the work reports submitted will be retrieved for the month selected. The overall monthly summary as days and hours will also be displayed. That is the total number of days worked in the particular month and the total number of hours will also be displayed in the report. The date-wise report also can be viewed in the report.

The next option is the Project work report, where the list of all the projects assigned to the developer will be listed. For the selected project, the details such as all the people who worked for the project will be displayed on a role basis. The time specification for the particular project is also displayed. The time will be displayed in the form that shows how many hours were spent out of the total number of hours allocated. Using this report the time estimation of upcoming projects is possible accurately.


This shows the project status of the developer who logged in. In this section, the number of new projects assigned, the number of projects in progress, the number of projects on hold, the number of projects completed, the number of projects canceled, and the number of projects overdue for the particular employee will be displayed as pictorial representation.

In the table each project has been displayed along with the details such as the Project name, Manager, progress, status of the project, action, and teams who are all the teammates for the particular project will be displayed.

In the table, there will be a column named “Action” which helps to view the entire details about the project selected. The details include the total number of hours allocated for Android development, iOS development, backend development, designing, and testing will be there. The developer must complete the work within the hours allocated for the project.

Other than these, the module details are also here. The list of modules and the priority of the module everything will be displayed along with the status of the module.


Under the Project tab, there is a module tab. By clicking the module tab, the employee can view the module names in a project. The list of modules under a project will be displayed along with the hours allocated for the module, the priority of the module, and the status of the module everything will be displayed. In this section, if the employee completes the module, he/she can change the status to completed. Once the status has been changed to completed, it will be automatically assigned for testing.


Under the modules tab, there will be a task tab. This tab shows the details of the module along with the project of the particular task. The time allocated, priority of the task, status of the task, and the action are also displayed here.


Testing is the next tab on the left side of the project management tool. On clicking the Testing tab, the employee can get a page where the list of bugs from the testing team for the projects will be displayed. This page displays a table that shows the list of bugs along with the project name and the status of the bug whether it is completed or not, and action will be displayed. Here there is a search filter to make the bugs view more advanced. This tab enhances the productivity and efficiency of the project as well as the developer as the process is automated.


The next option available in our project management tool is the Leave. This tab is used when the employee applies for leave. On clicking this tab, you can get two options such as “Apply leaves” and “applied leaves”

Apply leave:

This option is used when an employee wants to apply for leave. This tab redirects you to a page called “Request Leave”. On this page, the employee has to select the leave type. In the leave type, there will be a list of available leaves. From that list, the employee has to choose the leave type. Besides that, there will be a list of options namely, Single, Multiple, and Half-day. In those lists, Choose the required option. If you choose the single option, then select the date when the employee wants to take the leave. After that, there will be a reason column where the employee has to feed the reason for the leave. If the employee chooses the multiple option, then two date options will appear. The start date and end date have to be given as input for the multiple-duration leave option. For the Half option, the employee can choose the session in which he/she wants to take leave with the reason below.

Applied Leave:

The employee can view the leave applied in this Applied Leave tab. When the employee clicks this Applied leave option, it will redirect to a page with details such as the requested date, From date To date, No. of date, leave type, and the status of the leave whether it is approved or not will be displayed.

Login as Project Manager:

Project managers can have access to all the above admin activities. Along with those activities the project manager can view and keep track of the project details. They can add new projects within the estimated time frame by using our project management tool. The project manager has access to edit the project where any modification to the project such as the change of team members, change of review date can be done.

The new projects, modules, and tasks will be added by the project manager. The projects, modules, and tasks created here will be displayed in the employee and admin login.

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