Android is one of the widely using the Operating system developed by Google.  Recently Google launched Android 10 on 3rd September 2019, within 6 months they launched the preview of Android 11. With every update, they bring something innovative in every version.  In Android 10, the front-end permission and the dark mode access are updated and it is highly expected that Android 11 has many unique updates and one thing proved by the passionated Android developers is their work never stops at any circumstance.

Android 11 preview was launched in three sections with different features. The first release was on 21st February, the next on 18th March and the third on 23rd April.  Following up Google launched it’s Android 11 Beta on 10th June.  Anyone with pixel 2, pixel 3, pixel 4 can easily signup and install Android 11 for their device. Before that look at the special features that were established by the developers. 

Android 11 Impact Smarther

Reviews from Google developers states that Android 11 is totally different version from the previous updates.  It’s fully featured based on the latest technologies and user-friendliness. One of the best examples is chatted bubbles that open up for any messaging apps and simple power button user-interface for smart home automation.  

Let us look out how will android 11 features impact your mobile application? 

Android 11 Features

Know the best Android11 features before installing it for your phones.  

Improvement In Messaging

Native Screen Recorder

Improvement In Messaging

In Google press release, the Android 11 beta has lots of improvement in messaging.  Similar to Facebook, the Android  11 beta has an open chat head on the screen.  The messages will be hidden inside the little chat bubble and it can be moved all over the screen, tapped for open and the notification will be viewed based on user setting.   The Chat bubble API is available for any texting application in Android 11.  This featured UI allows access to all the applications like Hangouts, WhNative Screen Recorderatsapp, etc for chatting via chat bubbles.  And also the Android 11 has a notification section for messages to display one can easily figure out the prioritized message and the image also send through the notification bar. 

Native Screen Recorder

The usage of a screen recorder is an essential thing for every user. The reason for using the screen recorder may vary from people to people but users have their need. In Android 11 the screen recorder is an inbuilt feature.  In addition to recording video, the sounds are also being recorded.  It’s a common thing but in Android 11 Beta, two things are added in UI, when a person starts for a screen recorder a permission activity will be opened and ask for Record audio and show touches on the screen and the secreted data will not be visible while recording. 

The user can easily click the screen recorder button,  the red-colored icon is viewed on the screen while recording, while clicking on that the recording will stop.  This feature creates a great impact on the people who use third-party screen recording and for the one who scared about data leaking. 

5G Experience

5G brings low latency and high speed all over the world consistently and it extended the fast of WIFI experience, one can download 4K videos and higher resolution games.  In Android 11, the developers enhance and update the existing API connectivity so that one can take advantage of 5G’s improved speed.  Here two API are used DynamicMeteredness API.  With the help of this API, one can check whether the connection is unmetered and offer high resolutions and quality to use more data.  Another one API is Bandwidth Estimator with this API one can check the upstream a Downstream bandwidth without polling.  If the modem was unable to support, the default estimation based on the current connection. 


Privacy is one of the main things for Android developers. In every version, they never forget to add security and increase transparency and control.  In Android 10 “While app in use” permission option is given to the user to control over their location and limit background location access.  When it comes to Android 11 one-time permission is added. This feature is added to increase user security.  This permission security is added not only for the location also for the microphone and camera.  The one-time permission means that the app access only the permitted data until the app gets closed and the user has to get permission the data again for the next access.

Media Control Moved To Quick Settings

The conversation is considered to be more prioritized in the Android 11 notification panel.  So that the media control which placed in the notification panel.  When one swipe down the notification panel, a media control widget, and quick setting will be displayed.  In Android 11 it is shifted to quick settings not only for audio but for also Youtube, Spotify, and Pandora. On the other hand, when you close the audio the media control will fade away from the quick setting.  

Scheduled Dark Mode

In Android 9 the dark mode glimpses the people and in Android 10 the dark mode polished and in Android 11 one can set dark mode based on Sunrise or sunset or even one can schedule customed dark mode. This is another one best features of Android 11.

How Will Android 11 Features Impact Your Mobile Application?

  1. In Android 11, repeated requests for a single app will be discouraged.
  2. App usage status will be private
  3. Neural networks and machine learning support helps Android 11 to work seamlessly.
  4. Easy to schedule dark mode
  5. In- build screen recording is the main feature

Wrapping Up

There are a lot of features are hidden in Android 11 and it is expected to support foldable smartphones, 5G integrations, Scoped storage,  Pinhole display, Improved security, and much more.  These are the features that are expected in Android 11 but it might not be release like Android 10. Stayed tuned with us for more updates on Android 11  and for application development.  

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