Highly useful ways to search for information on Google that most people don’t know about
This Time Frame To That Time Frame
This tool allows you to target the exact time period to your search results.You can Search Anything by specifying the start and ending time or date Like 2000-2001
Finding Specific Titles or URLs
If you are searching for all things related to a specific keyword,you can use “intitle:” in front of your keyword. This will allow your search results to display the words that may contain your keyword in the title or website url
Search For It Within A Website
If you’re looking for a specific article that you read a week ago you can easily find the website by adding a specific keyword or phrase after typing in the website address on your search bar! If you remember the website
Let’s Look For Related Websites
While doing any online shopping you can search the other websites with clothing brands similar to the ones offered on another page. You could simply search for similar websites by typing “related:” followed by a website address (you don’t need a space).
Fill In The Missing Piece With An Asterisk
In the event that you don’t remember that one key word or phrase or number that you need to get what you are looking for, you can use the “*” symbol. Use this in the place of word/phrase or number that you don’t recall and you will get the desired results.
Searching using synonyms
Synonyms make searching online very convenient given that they are riddled everywhere in our language. Therefore, if you need to find a websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, it will be good to add the “ ~ ” to your search.