Convert Visitors to Customers

A landing page is a one-page extension of your website. You might use it to promote an offer, sell your service, or ask for an appointment. And often, you have just a few seconds to convert your visitor into a customer. By promoting on social media and many other social bookmarking websites we can increase traffic of the site. However it is not easy to convert your page visitor to customer.

One of the most common problems that online business owners, sales team, and marketers have is turning their website visitors to customers. For a successful online business inbound customers are the key target. For converting your visitor to business lead, you have to include some of the key elements in landing page. Here are some tips on creating effective landing pages.

Page Design

Landing page should be build with simple and high engaging elements. A visitor need to identify exactly what we try to say with our content in first sight. Your landing page should convey the same style, feel, and tone of your website — but it’s not your full site. Lose the clutter and use fewer graphics. Make sure your call to action is the main focus of your page.

Keep it clean

To encourage your visitors to respond to your offer, deliver a message that is clear, concise, and to the point. Use bullet lists and short blocks of copy.

Headlines are key

Headlines are the first (and sometimes only) thing your visitor reads. Use simple, direct headlines that are aligned with your audience’s goals.

Test and test again

Test your landing page with a small focus group. Don’t be afraid to ask for honest feedback.

Consider including value add-ons in your calls to action

Different people are drawn to different offers. Try, for example, adding a white paper with your free trial. Your visitors will appreciate having options.

Use testimonials to build trust

Adding a simple testimonial to your landing page adds instant credibility. A sentence or two about why your customer is happy is all you need.

Grammar and spelling

Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes can take away from the professionalism of your company. If you’re not a writer or editor, find someone who is.

Only ask for what you need

Only ask for basic contact information — name, email, company, phone number. Save the rest for a private conversation.

Content rules 

Think carefully about who will be visiting your page and write your copy for that demographic. Speak to their problems and concerns, then show that you have a solution just for them. Keep the most important stuff at the top of the page.

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