Cloud kitchen has become more popular as a result of the pandemic. It is good to invest in cloud kitchen app development before the competition in the market. A cloud kitchen is a commercial kitchen that operates only to prepare food for delivery. When you are thinking about setting up a cloud kitchen, this article is helpful for you. This blog explains about cloud kitchen from the basics, how to create a cloud kitchen to automate your inventory management and how mobile app developers are helping in the development of cloud kitchen apps.
Cloud Kitchen: Overview
A cloud kitchen uses a commercial kitchen that prepares food for delivery or takeout and not for dine-in customers. Restaurants can expand their existing restaurants or initialize an online brand at a lower cost, with the help of cloud kitchen. It gives them a better opportunity to observe the new market and try new methods.
The main advantage of cloud kitchen is that there is no need for fancy infrastructure, no waiters, no tables, and no furniture. You need an operational kitchen that will function as a production unit. Customers can order through the restaurant app or the food aggregator app. All these orders are sent to the cloud kitchen, a remaining process is the same as we do routinely while ordering food through Ubereats, Dominos, etc.
Guide to Develop Cloud Kitchen App:
STEP 1: Select a Location to setup Cloud Kitchen
Land investment is the major part to setup a Cloud Kitchen with lower cost. The location gives a major cost reduction in cloud kitchen, while you have to invest particularly high on location in the regular dine-in restaurant. There is no need to build a cloud kitchen as rich or luxurious. Your kitchen can be set up in a small space of an apartment, basement, or any other low-cost area. But make sure that your selected area must be accessible by the delivery agents so only they can easily and fastly deliver the food to customers.
STEP 2: Choose Business Model
In starting the cloud kitchen, you need to find and decide on the business model that you want to set up a single restaurant or multiple restaurants under one roof.
If you choose a single restaurant, you can only focus on one style of food. For example, if you are making Italian food good, you can only target that type. But if you select multiple restaurants or a multi-brand cloud kitchen, you can have different types of food from multiple restaurants under one roof. The multi-brand cloud kitchen is the best concept because it allows you to practice with different cuisines and food items. It also enables you to target particular customers. For example, If you are focusing on the health-conscious customer, you must have a healthy food restaurant or quickly delivered restaurant under one roof. In this model, you can serve different types of customers with various food choices.
STEP 3: Make a list of cloud kitchen features
Before creating a feature list, initially, you need to understand the business model and target customers. It is easy to make features list.
Some important must-have features of cloud kitchen are,
- The interface must be user-friendly: Interface must be simple and user-friendly. Orders can be placed by customers without any difficulties, as it is easy to use.
- Register and log in: The process of registering and login in must be easy and hassle-free. So that customers can be able to register and log in to the app without any struggle.
- Order Tracking: Customers must be able to track the order and see the status of their order at present.
- Push notification: Push notification must be sent to the customer regarding their order, thereby they can stay updated about their order.
- Payment gateway Integration: Secure payment gateway must be integrated with your app so that payments can be made by customers easily.
- Discounts and offers: You should give discounts and offers to customers to impress them with your app.
- Reviews and ratings: customers can rate and review your app so you must have a rating and review system.
Make sure all these features are added to your app to create it successfully.
STEP 4: Choose the technology for cloud kitchen app development
Choose the correct technology stack for your app development. You need to select the technology and tools carefully for a successful app.
Here is some technology for cloud kitchen app development:
- PHP: PHP is a familiar scripting language frequently used to develop a web-based app. It is a strong language that provides more features and functionality.
- JAVA: Java is another famous programming language widely used to develop the web app. It is an object-oriented language that offers more flexibility.
- Python: Python is a high-level programming language used to develop cloud-based apps. It is an effective language that provides multiple features and functionality.
- Node.js: It is a popular open-source platform used to develop cloud-based applications. An event-driven platform that facilitates more flexibility.
STEP 5: Deploy and Launch
After developing your app, it is time to deploy and launch it. You must select the correct platform to deploy your app carefully.
Here are some popular platforms that can be used for deploying your app,
- AWS – Amazon Web Service is a familiar cloud platform that provides a lot of features and functionality. It is a trustworthy platform that offers high security and scalability.
- GCP – Google Cloud Platform is another famous and reliable cloud platform that provides more features and functionality.
Make sure that choose the correct platform for your app to make it successful.
In this article, we have discussed cloud kitchen, its features, technology, and how to develop it. If you need further help, contact the best mobile app development company like Smarther. They are specialized in the development of cloud-based applications and help in the creation of a successful app for your business.