Once upon a time, transportation like carrying all luggage, scheduling the travel, and settling down to the new place was very busy and annoying. Nowadays, online transportation services have improved and hold the power to stimulate human curiosity. But transportation becomes more difficult if you don’t choose the correct logistics or transportation company that can help you to move from one place to another place. These logistics companies help people by packaging and delivering safely to their corresponding locations.

If you are searching for reliable logistics companies, the only option is an online search. There are many apps like Porter that help people from packaging to delivering the luggage. If you want to start a new business or you already have a logistics company, it is important to build a logistics app like Porter for your company. In this blog, we will see the need for a logistics app and how to build that app.

Need of Logistics app like Porter:

     In today’s world, people have to relocate from one place to another place due to their job transfer or any other reasons. These apps manage all the things from booking travel, and packaging to delivery. It will reduce their time and stress related to this problem. These apps offer a single platform where users get the status of their travel related. It is very helpful in a very urgent situation of moving to a new place.

How to develop an intracity logistics app like Porter?

  • Decide business model:

    In the first stage of app development, we have to decide the business model for the app. You need  to have a website registered or get your company licensed. You have all the business-related documents that ensure your business is running without any legal prosecution. It is very important to choose the business model that you want for the business and  keep the following question in your mind while planning the development:

  • What features that you add to your app?
  • What is the budget for your app development?
  • Which app development company you will choose?
  • What are the benefits of your app?
  • Research:    

    It will help you to get information about the app like Porter and to know about the scope of the app. You have to decide the fare or charges for the services and compare it with other booking app companies.

    You must know about that where you will get the right audience for your business and in which place or city, people are interested to use this app. If you don’t know about the interest of the target audience, even the best business comes to the end very fast. So, it is very important to search for everything about your business before starting.

Points to consider:

  • Parcel and goods transport app/ business regulations
  • Parcel and goods transport business infrastructure.
  • Industry trends
  • International Sustainability Standards
  • Analyze the development platform:

    Everyone thinks of complicated programming or user interface(UI) design work when developing an app for mobile or websites. The mobile app development platforms are having the tools needed to design, test, debug, optimize, launch and manage mobile apps. These platforms will have different features depending on the developers.

Points to remember while choosing the platform:

  • Low-code or codeless mobile app development platforms.
  • Micro mobile app development platform patterns
  • Code-centric developer tooling
  • Mesh app and service architecture(MASA)
  • Core backend services
  • AI services
  • Monitoring and analytics
  • DevOps support
  • Mobile app development platform compatibility
  • Security
  • Select the best app development company:

    In this stage, it is time to search for the best app development company that offers better guidance and the correct structure for your app development with the updation of the latest tech stack. Smarther can help you in developing your intracity logistics app by using the latest technology and the most advanced analytics. It is very challenging and exciting to develop and release a new mobile app.

    It is essential to meet your company’s needs by custom design including an interface that is attractive and easy to use, which brings the quality of the services you provide and the fastest backend that efficiently and effectively does business activities. We offer you accurate and visible results in a short amount of time by combining our expertise and experience with reliable and cutting-edge technological frameworks. The on-demand business is growing nowadays and individuals eagerly hold on-demand app development services. We will work to offer you an app that has the main advantages of being scalable, responsive, and fully customizable to your business needs.

Features to be added in the logistics app like Porter:

    Choose the features needed which are integrated into your app like Porter. There are three various versions to developing an app depending on the customer’s expectation.


  • Login or Registration
  • Shipment Details
  • Manage Shipment
  • Manage Requests
  • GPS Tracking
  • Proof of Delivery
  • Shippers:
  • Registration
  • List of vehicles
  • Schedule book
  • Push Notification
  • Payment Gateways
  • Review
  • Real-time Vehicle tracking
  • Admin Panel:

  • Dashboard Settings
  • Track drivers
  • Bill settlements
  • Notification

Cost estimation to build an app like Porter:

    The cost of app development is depending on multiple factors. If you want to build a simple app for your transportation business, then it will be less. If you want to make a proper website or app with advanced features and design, then the cost will be more. It takes more time to develop an app with more features and complexity. Similarly, the cost of the app is less with fewer features and challenges. It is best to build an app with basic features in starting and then add advanced features in the future as per the customer’s expectations and needs.


    On-demand logistics apps are growing very greatly because people depend on transportation apps for shifting. These apps are very easy, reliable, and hassle-free for relocation. An app like Porter handles your luggage packaging and delivery with less charge. They offer services and vehicles as per your need and convenience. These apps are very useful for the users and the owners. On-demand apps are directing the app development business. Logistics app development is one of the modern app development ideas. It offers more profit to the customer as well as the app owners.


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