The cost of developing an app varies from time to time. Just imagine that you bought a mobile for Rs. 40,000 and one of your colleagues bought a mobile for Rs. 45,000 the cost of mobile phones varies based on the features. Every product has its price tag, in such way applications also have its value.

Mobile app development Cost

The entrepreneur and also the start-up business have two questions that suck and stuck in their mind:

1. Cost of Developing an app?
2. What is the value depends upon?

Most of the Frequently Asked Questions have a top one question as to how much does it cost to develop an app. People search for the answer on a different website through the internet. The cost of the mobile app is purely based on the marketing and client requirement.

By investing a huge amount of money on developing an app one cannot be a successful entrepreneur. An illustration can clearly explain the issues. A boy bought a sportbike that doesn’t mean that he is a racer, the same way you can develop an amazing app and you don’t know how to develop and run your business is not going to make you grateful.

Type Of Your App

Before building your app, the first thing you have to find the type of app to be developing based on the client details.

1. Gamming App
2. Functionality App
3. Custom Utility App
4. Device App
5. Data-Driven App

The cost of app development is directly proportional to the type of app. If the type of the app is simply the cost of the app is less. If you need to embed the internet, GPS, links and other facilities the cost of the app is expensive.


Designing Cost

The designing of the app cost not only based on the structure of the app, but it also involves the effort of developers

1. Front- end design
2. Back- end development
3. Security
4. Architecture
5. Testing
6. Deployment

Clear Category

Your app should have a neat category. The social media app is too costly when compared to the calculator app. Your app may be based on

1. Music
2. Social Media
3. Gamming
4. Books
5. Educational
6. Travels
7. Life style
8. Photography

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Charge Of App Developer

In North America, the experienced IOS developer charges $121/hour to $140 which is equal to Rs. 8,600 to Rs. 10,000 and a junior developer charge for $41 to $60 that is nearly Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 4,300. The cost of a mobile app depends upon the experience of the developer and the location where they get hired.

App Development Team

A basic app development team have a project manager, front-end developer, back- end developer, UI/UX designer, QA engineer in addition to this one business analyst is in extend app development team

Factors Affecting Cost

1. Modules used for building an app
2. Who builds your app
3. Platform developing an app

Modules Used For Developing an app

i. Web server App
ii. Without Web Server App
iii. Gamming App

Web Server App

This type of app stores its data in a server. The communication occurs between the client-side and the server-side. The client request for a piece of information to the server and the server replay for the request by sending details to the client. It is developed with API and other programs. The cost of making this app ranges from $8,000 to $50,000.

Without Web Server App

This type of app doesn’t have any web server so that the information is in the form of a list. The application has a drop-down menu for the user to select the information. Once the user selects the option he or she undergoes another set of the list until the user lands on a page with particular information. The cost of making this type of app is nearly $1000-$4000.

Gamming App

Since the gaming app involves many different features like video, animations, text, graphics, audio and other multimedia components so the estimation of the gaming app would be $6000- $2,50,000.

Who Builds Your App

The cost of the app varies from the developer category.

i. Full-time developer
ii. Development Agent
iii. Freelance developer
iv. In-house developers

Full-Time Developer

You can hire a full-time developer based on the fund you have to develop an app. You have to answer yourself for some questions before hiring a full-time developer.
1. How many funds you have
2. What is the long term process

Development Agent

Agencies are the most common solutions for many problems. Now a day’s many app development companies prefer development agencies where they can get a team involves developer, designer and a product manager. This type of agency charges up to $300 per hour. Without sufficient funds, one should not hire app development agencies.

Freelance Developer

Creating an app with the help of freelancers is another solution for the app developer at a low cost. Before hiring freelancers into your app development make sure that they produce

1. Good Quality App
2. Qualified Developer
3. Should not blow-up projects
4. Should not repost the projects.

In- house Developer

Hiring an in-house developer, designer and project manager for developing an app is one of the best solutions. Alternatively, one can hire three in one person. If you need to extend your app then it is better to hire a full-time developer.
The Platform For App Development

i. IOS
ii. Android
IOS Vs Android

Before developing an app one should know about the platform for developing an app, the development of the app in IOS required a lot of developers that Android app. The android app is purely designed based on customer requirements.

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The cost of developing an app fully depends on four aspects:

1. Complexities
2. Features
3. Man Power
4. Platform

The time, features, developers, designer cost, requirements of the user, advertisement, sales, marketing, backend maintenance, server charge, Quality Assurance, API integration, Business assurance, Payment Options are the factors that involve in the cost of app development.

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