Now a days people are confused due to the regular changing rules in Search engine optimization. Since, SEO is evolving each and every day. And many don’t have knowledge about the importance of SEO.
You need to take SEO very serious whether you are a website owner, a blogger or an web design company since it plays an vital role in improving your website in Search engine results pages. There are large number of articles explaining the importance of SEO for all the business.
In today’s Digital marketing field there are many SEO myths that confuses people especially who are in beginner level in learning SEO. Learn everything and begin your career path in SEO and be ready to absorb the updated informations.
According to experts SEO alone is not sufficient for every business, concentrate on Local Seo that helps in increasing your rankings.Number of factors and methodologies are in misinterpretations in reaching top positions in Google results pages, lets us now have a look of what works and what doesn’t.
MYTH 1: You no need to do SEO, if you are doing SMO (Social Media Optimization)
This is not true, both SEO and SMO can work together and they are not substitute of the other. Both are very closely linked and they are essential to each other. Before SMO ( Facebook, twitter, youtube) arrivers , SEO was the only source to get traffic in an organic way.
A clear interface between SMO and SEO – If an highly powerful people get information regarding your product or services and if it links to your site then in Google result pages automatically their recommendations will be shown.
MYTH 2 : Content is always the king
This is absolutely unfavour statement, each and everyone in Digital Marketing will be heared about “content is King”. Good and quality content is one of the factor in optimizing a website towards SEO but this alone will not be enough to increase your ranking position in search results. Without the proper optimization Google will not recognize it as an good one.
A properly optimized website with an good content will have an increased rankings in Search engines.
MYTH 3: More Inbound Links, More Improvements
Not true!
When compared with quantity, quality have made the priority by Google in its recent updates. Low quality sites are went down by the algorithm, these kinds of low quality links will results your site to be penalized and can make your site spam.
Links should be taken only from your relevant services or product sites, links from un relevant sites will lead to negative results. This is the fact for inbound links also.
MYTH 4 : SEO is dead
This is not true, among various communities these kinds of Myths are spreaded widely, Many stepped back and some decided it is dead. SEO helps in improving your ROI – Return On Investments by improving your website’s landing page.
It is very frightening however when you search for something on Google and you see an answer rather than a link. It is significantly scarier when Google naturally opens assets like converters (Kg/lbs), calculators and so forth. Along these lines, you must take SEO genuine on the grounds that SEO isn’t dead.
MYTH 5 : Images and Videos doesn’t Matter
Videos and images will be helpful in improving your user experience in your website. Illustrations, Infographics will make your website looks good and improve the time spent by the users in your website , this automatically reduces your site bounce rate.
Alt tags, title, descriptions of your video and images helps in improving the rankings in results pages. This also helps your image to appear in results page when an image or video search is done.
MYTH 6 – No Need to Meta Tag
Meta tags appear between the HEAD tag. Meta tags will be helpful in describing your website in results pages and this will be more useful for the visitors to get instant idea about your product or services, so that they can easily get into your website. A website with good Meta title, Meta description and Meta Url will get good results. Since it is not indexed by search engine like Google and bing.