Social Media’s took the world by storm. Currently there are billions of people using Social media and that tends to grow in future years. The trends that makes the future world of Social media will affect other elements of Digital technology, particularly in terms of Marketing
1.Focus more on relationships
The very first Social Network is Friendster, the name itself indicates the purpose – forming and for maintaining friendship. This is the path how Myspace and Facebook begins. Social networks today has been evolved into a powerful tool for both in Individuals and for companies. This is more valuable when you want share and to reach many peoples, and these will be no longer for recording audio, sharing your kids photos or staying connected with your family and friend circles. In order to fix this Social networks need focs back into relationships by emphasizing photographs, personal photos and connection over outside like articles and blogs.
2.Diversity of personal posts
Till now, posts are limited outside pictures, materials text and videos. As the technology improves, people will be more hungry for interesting and new ways to share their experience.
3. Users will pay for the peace
Premium services will make a splash. Who will pay for a social media network experience when they have been free. To change the previous wisdom two things will happen, 1. With more personal, and with story driven experience people will look for high quality images, audios,video files that are stored for posterity. 2. Having a place to escape, something that a premium social network will offer.
To keep our digital memories preserved and stored there should be clear and direct relationship between both the service provider and the compensation.
4. Various types of Groups
This was tried by Google plus, but due to some wrong posts it was spurred. Ther need to be a comeback in social grouping. In the previous political cycle, many number of relationships were checked unnecessarily when users felt attacked by political rants.
“ The person whom we are with our family is not necessary the person we are with our college days. There need to be get connected with all these groups but can be in separate forums.
5. Focus more on Privacy
Privacy concerns are distressed social media from the beginning, and these are getting only more pronounced. We can expect the future social media networks to provide more advanced profile privacy and network than before.
6.Very Less Gamification
One of the main social media’s power is that it’s more addictive. Except new networks will try to give more towards a long term customers wellness as one of the best feature by breaking off more addictive things.
7.Legacy Building
The internet is written in ink and it can’t be erased at all and also people in future won’t need it to be. Nowadays people are looking for social medias as an ongoing capsule and a living record of their life.
8. Open to experimentation
The giants of social media are lumbering machines, slow,unbearably clumsy and resistant when they do change. Future networks will have seen different things to different levels and will explore. They will focus on trying more different ways of befriending people, managing contacts, organizing layouts and much more.
9. Mobile Native
The future of internet will results in the hands of Mobile phones.The giants of social media Facebook and twitter came befor they can really function mobile devices, but for the future networks the platforms will be designed keeping the smartphones in mind from the very beginning.
10. Build up not down
Heartfulness and self care movements are very big now for reasons. In a world of terrifying and chaotic as ours, well being is a big thing that one must actively maintain and pursue. Family and friends are build up us, and social medias will start to recognize that again.
11.More and More Videos
We are seeing more developments since last year that videos plays more roles in ruling social medias. Facebook the parent company of Instagram releases Messenger day and Facebook live.