UI, UX, Design, Application, Blog, App Design

User Experience and User Interface are some of the most confused terms in our field. A UI without UX is like a painter painting a wall without paint brush; while UX without UI is like the frame without picture on it. A great product starts with UX followed by UI. Both are essential for the product’s success.

User Experience

Increasing the customers satisfaction and improving the interaction between the customers , product structure and content development.The main aim of UX is to connect company’s business to the users through testing the product by satisfying both parties. A good user experience would translates customer satisfaction into quality product

UX Implementation

• Interaction Design
• Wireframes Prototype
• Information archicteture
• User Research

What to achieve?What to make?
ExperienceVisual Elements
Focus on interactionsFocus on tools

User Interface

The main aim of UI designer is to improve the look and feel of the product. Conveying the brand and making the site more pleasant and user friendly. Designing the layout of digital products and visual elements on the screen of system is primary goal.
“UI is that the user will actually interact with and see”.

UI Designer’s Responsibility 

• Design research
• Branding and graphic development
• Animation
• Responsive designs
• Implementations with developers

UX vs UI Designer

Image Source – www.abdevlabs.com

UI – “what color button will use here?”
UX – “do we even need this button ?” 

To begin any product both UX/UI designer should be able to understand the requirements that should be satisfies the end-user and the customers without making any complex situations.

Finally , there’s a lot of confusion around what UI and UX are, what are main differences are? Or if there are any difference at all? Yes, Definitely there are some differences but they must go hand in hand to create a beautiful and user friendly experience.

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