Google has recently released new android operating system called android o which is the advanced version android N ( nougat ).Android O’s final name is not yet decided—Oreo? Orange Whip? Olallieberry Pie? O.J.? Nor is its version number—probably 8.0 even though 7.2 would be more honest.
Picture-in-Picture for smartphones
Picture-in-Picture or pip is something we have seen in tv for years,giving us the ability to see what’s happening on another channel without having to turn away from what we’re currently watching. PiP was introduced to Android TV last year and soon we’ll see it on smartphones with the new Android 8.0 software.
Getting too many Notifications is minimised in this android version. notifications can be grouped together by type, so you can put all your messaging apps under one category and all your news apps in a separate one. This will stop your phone from getting so cluttered when a group of notifications come through at once.
Adaptive icons
This is a great feature that should result in a more varied, tailored appearance for your smartphone, allowing manufacturers to decide how icons should look on their own particular handsets.
Wi-Fi Connection
The new Wifi connection in Android O permits the devices with specific hardware & application to work together over Wifi even without internet connection. This feature will make the surrounding more united and interaction among users will be promoted.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The latest Android O will provide better support for keyboard with additional features. The update will allow user to set shortcuts for operation and make typing more easy. This feature plans to implement in Android Laptops.
The above listed are not only new features of Android O. It’s just a small previous over the upcoming version. Android O will include lot more specification than previous releases, its will be too earlier for us to comment on what this new update store for us. Stay calm and the Android O all set to release official soon in Mid-2017.